Pet Parakeet Care: Clipping Parakeet Wings

Parakeet Perils - To Clip the Wings Or Not?

If you're planning on getting a parakeet, you're probably wondering whether or not to clip its wings. Well, that's one of the major arguments in the world of bird owners. Here are some things that you should know about the perils of parakeets in either situation.

First of all, when you first get your parakeet, the chances are good that it will have already had its wings clipped. That was to prevent it from getting loose in the store. If done properly, the wings will grow back. It will then be your responsibility to decide whether to have them clipped again or not.

That means that, when you first get your new parakeet home, you'll have to deal with the perils of clipped wings. A parakeet's natural instinct is to fly. Another natural instinct is to get as high as possible. So, your new feathered friend is likely to try to fly across the room and almost immediately drop like a rock. It's important to start out with your parakeet in a small room with plenty of blankets, pillows or other soft objects around, in case it falls.

Now, when the wings grow back, you're faced with another problem, potential escape. The best way to avoid a major escape is to lock your door when your parakeet is out and to confine the parakeet to only one room. Also, it's important to train the parakeet very early that you equal comfort and food. So, if it does get loose in a part of the house that you don't want it in, you can get it to return to you or its cage easily.


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