Pet Parakeet Care : Parakeet Diet

Parakeets are very active, acrobatic little birds and as such they require a good balanced healthy diet! But why leave it there? If you were forced to eat the same meal day in day out you would slowly grow insane! Budgies enjoy a varied diet, fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetables are all great examples of what can make up a great Parakeet Diet!

Your parakeet will love sharing all different types of fruits with you. Apples, mandarins and pears are often met with loving looks and affectionate nibbles! It's very easy to help your little feathered friend out too, simply place a slice of pear, or whatever fruit you like, into your parakeets cage and they will do the rest!
Why not spice up feeding time as well! Turn this time into a bonding session with your parakeet where you can gain more trust and have some fun at the same time! Hand feed seeds and share pieces of mandarin or apple. You can even combine some greens with bathing if you offer your parakeet a wet lettuce leaf he or she can nibble and have a splash at the same time!

Green vegetables are another fantastic way of adding variety to your parakeet's diet. Believe it or not, some parakeets will enjoy kelp, mustard leaves, cabbage leaves, dandelion leaves, broccoli leaves, cauliflower leaves and even Bok-Choi! There are some greens that can have a negative impact on your parakeets though! So if you are in doubt it is best to consult a vet as some greens can cause liver problems and calcium deficiencies.

If you are thinking about breeding parakeets diet is something to seriously consider! When hens are in breeding condition it is important to have a mineral block and also a piece of cuttlebone somewhere in the parakeet's cage. A proper diet can mean the difference between unhealthy and healthy chicks.
Lentils, almonds, tofu, sesame seeds, and beans! No I'm not talking about last nights special at the Thair restaurant! Parakeets also enjoy these different nuts and grains and they can offer some more variety and nutrients to your feathered friend's existence!

Parakeets are quite clever animals and that means they need more stimulation and excitement than they are probably given credit for! Seeds are a great staple for budgies and parakeets, but don't forget to add some millet, nuts, grains, fruits and vegetables now and then to give your feathered friends some variety and stimulation. Your parakeet will thank you for their new exciting diet!


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