Pet Parakeet Care: Best Tips to Make a Perfect Home

Home For a Parakeet - Best Tips to Make a Perfect Home

Before you bring your parakeet home to your folks you would like to ensure that you have everything he wants set up. If you're going to be housing him in a cage within, then an appropriate cage and accessories already set up and waiting for his arrival would be a great idea.

If on the other hand you're going to put your new bird in a bird house, you need to have all that set up outside, prepared to just open the door and set him free. Both options make a great home for parakeet.

With a cage option, you must ensure that the cage is spacious enough for the bird to feel space. They like to fly, forwards not upwards, and they like to climb too so there are a couple of things to think about when employing a cage as home for parakeet.

Firstly the scale of the cage, which is truly dependent on the amount of residents there'll be. As a minimum for one bird, the cage should be 16x16x16 inches, but there is not any harm in having a much bigger cage than this.

A special parakeet cage will come with a pull out bottom tray which keeps the bird away from droppings, and makes it straightforward to scrub the tray out.

You must confirm the birds head doesn't hit the apex of the cage that his tail doesn't touch the floor or sides, and there's plenty of room for him to stroll, climb and have a laugh.

Talking of climbing, parakeets love to climb. Ensure that the bars round the cage are horizontal as this provides a more comfortable climbing experience, instead of vertical bars. You also have to make sure that the bars are spaced suitably apart so that your pet can't put his head between them and strangle himself.

Ensure there are no sharp items in the cage environment and that there is not any lead anywhere. Lead can be lethal to birds. If on the other hand you are using an out of doors bird house for your new pet, and this can be home for a parakeet, guarantee there are no deadly plants or substances in the bird house. Make special care to see that there's no lead metals anywhere, nor any sharp objects the bird could fly into.

Again with the dimensions of the openings in the wire round the bird house, confirm there isn't any space for the bird to stab his head through. This can lead to hideous issues, completely avoidable by putting some attention to your home for a parakeet.

In every case, have lots of perches available. Differing kinds, and sizes mean the bird is inspired to get some great exercise, and with an outside bird house, really there's no limit. You may have small enclosures he'll fly into and hide, you may have tree branches, little bushes, natural water (pumped and filtered) pools, and lots of other items that keep him having a great time, and that gives him plenty of reason to play.

With an indoor cage confirm there's sufficient room within for him to get to his food and water. You may have rope perches, swings, and other decorative items for your new pet to play on, making a great home for a parakeet. Mirrors and bells have frequently been seen in parakeet cages.

Cages should be cleaned out frequently ensuring there isn't any waste around anywhere. Change and clean feeders daily and watch for dust and other particles getting into the environment.


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